FEC Portable Helipad Lighting
MIL-Star® ICAO compliant rechargeable battery powered LED helipad lighting system designed for rapid deployment and use, providing safe and effective marking at designated or ad-hoc helicopter landing zones.
MIL-Star® is rechargeable in its case via mains at
100-240VAC, vehicles at 13.5-28VDC, solar or wind
power. Run Time Steady – Up to 18 hours. Run Time
Flashing – Up to 108 hours. Recharging Time – fully
exhausted to fully charged in 3.5 hours.
Key Features
Product Specifications
- Application – Covert and FLIR operations
- Effective marking of helicopter landing zones that can be identified at night from distances up to 10 Miles (16km)
- Portable – Lightweight (10.6 Kg)
- Versatile – Red, blue, green, white visible LED’s and infra-red to support pilots wearing Night Vision Goggles (NVG’s)
- Multi-Function – Programmable to flash warning, location beacon or Morse Code with automatic sunset switching
- Pilot Control – Wireless via VHF operational at a line of sight ranges in excess of 10km
- Stability – Stable under the rotor wash of a Chinook
Complete System in Carry Case
Length: 340mm / Width: 424mm / Height: 173mm
Weight: 10.6Kg
Single Light Unit
Length: 83mm / Width: 83mm / Height: 65mm
Weight: 0.73kg
Programmable Light Colours
Red, blue, green, white visible LED’s and
infra-red (dual or single modes)
Light Intensities (visible/IR)
1%, 3%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Run Time in Steady Mode
Up to 25 hours*
Run Time in Flashing Mode
Up to 120 hours**
Recharging Time
Mains PSU is capable of charging 8 lights from fully
exhausted to fully charged in about 3.5 hours.
*When programmed to steady on white @ 20%
intensity level.
* *When programmed to Identification Beacon Single Flash

Years of experience
recyclable aluminium structureS
Case Study Categories
FEC Portable Helipad case studies
Product born out of 25 years of experience in helipad industry.
FEC Portable Helipad Lighting case studies
Lights that provide safe and effective marking at helicopter landing zones.
FEC HEMS-Station® case studies
Designed to securely store and charge up to 10 FEC Portable Lights.
FEC Solar Powered PAD-Star® Lighting System case studies
Solar powered for off-grid locations.
FEC Solar Illuminated Portable Windcone case studies
Portable Illuminated Solar Windcone for All Terrains