Addenbrookes helipad

PAD Star® Solar Plus – Addenbrookes

Application: PAD Star® Solar Plus installed for use by EAAA and Air Ambulances in the surrounding regions, upgrading the existing helipad lighting system and providing a reliable, fully supported solution to maintain extended day and night operational hours

Locations: Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK


  • Entirely Solar Powered System
  • Includes 18’ Internally Illuminated LED Wind Cone with Inbuilt Dusk to Dawn Obs. Light
  • Secure IP65 Rated Cabinet Housing for Manual/UHF Controllable Lighting Control Unit
  • VHF Air-to-Ground Remote Controlled from Aircraft at over 10km (Line of Sight)
  • Low Maintenance and Remote Support Capability via UHF
  • SMS Connectivity and System Monitoring Available
  • Fully Installed, Tested and Operational within a Week
  • PAD-Star®: FEC Heliports Latest Generation of Wired LED Helipad Lighting solutions

Addenbrookes Hospital & East Anglia Air Ambulance, UK

Since 2000, East Anglia Air Ambulance (EAAA) has responded to almost 23,000 missions, increasing year on year, with the 2016-2017 period busier than ever before at over 3000 missions attended. Established with just one helicopter and operating one day a week in Norfolk, with a pilot and a paramedic, the operation has now expanded to two modern Airbus H145 helicopters, which are based at Norwich and Cambridge airports and now carry two pilots, a doctor and a critical care paramedic minimum per mission. They are available seven days a week, providing critical emergency care across the region.

In 2014, EAAA became the first air ambulance in the country to develop a night flying capability. Out of all of the vast number of missions flown in 2016-2017, more than 250 (circa 10%) were at night. Using night vision technology, EAAA crews can reach patients in the remotest parts of the region, however, lighting systems that meet strict regulatory guidelines are still required at several “unlit” hospital helipads. Where such lighting is not available; the EAAA is working with these hospitals, in conjunction with FEC Heliports and the HELP Appeal, to both fund and install market leading, fully compliant lighting solutions.

“The East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) needed an urgent replacement for the lighting system at our region’s major regional trauma unit; Addenbrookes hospital, when the existing system failed. The FEC Heliports solar powered option was ideally suited to the site and in a number of ways represented a step up from the old system with no reliance on the hospital infrastructure and services and with reliable on-call back up from FEC Heliports. It was quick to install and test and was on-line in a matter of weeks from our initial order. The company has been responsive and flexible to our needs and we are looking forward to developing more helipad lighting solutions with them in the future.”

Alan Ward – Aviation Advisor
East Anglia Air Ambulance